AmigaActive (585/2143)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:7 May 2000 at 02:44:08
Subject:Genesis bits + pieces


two questions for you:

1: yesterday I reinstalled all my Netconnect3 software beacuse It seemed to
be a bit buggy, and the paths were set up wrong. I have now got this sorted
out now. But whilest setting up the Genesis prefs I added a couple of users
(Myself and my sister) and saw that the 'root' one was still showing up in
the Genesis User list. I did not want that there, so I went back into the
prefs and opened the settings for the 'root' user and clicked on the
disable user tick box (to tick it). now since then I have wanted to go
backinto the prefs and adjust what I have set for my sisters access times.
Unfortunately it will not let me change any of the user settings. It keeps
asking for a password for the 'root' everytime I start it! Now I did not
set a password for it, so what I want to know is, is there a default
password that the 'root' uses so that I can get access to my user settings
again? (I don't fancy reinstalling it again!)

2: I have signed up with RedHotAnt and have been reasonably happy with thier
service (not perfect, but improving : ) ) when I log on in the Genesis
window it sometimes says 'Could not obtain the hostname' but other times it
does not. Does anyone know what needs to be put in here? (I seem to
remember someone mentioning this before?)

Thanks for any help!

*Sam Thomas* - Amiga user, Simple as that : ) ICQ:64489402

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